By Sister Taylor, August 2011
Philippines MTC
The other day one of the missionaries came into my office with his shoes in his hand and said, “Sister Taylor, my shoes are laughing!”
I looked at him in surprise. I thought I had heard just about everything.
I questioned, “What did you say?”
He repeated, “My shoes are laughing!”
“What do you mean, your shoes are laughing?”
He handed me his shoes and showed me where the upper toes of the shoes were disconnected from the soles.
I have seen lost heels, worn treads, undone stitching, missing tongues, but never laughing shoes.
I presented Elder Riddle, my office mate and onsite cobbler the laughing shoes and asked him if he thought he could mend them. His eyebrows raised high above his glasses as he responded, “I’ll try!”
We smiled and chuckled after the missionary left.
Elder Riddle immediately opened the white drawer and removed the “3rd Generation TURBO GLUE”. I told him that he had better go outside to glue or I would find the cobbler woozily laughing after sniffing glue!

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