Dear Family:
I was not a very successful boy scout. But, I have participated and trained in Wood Badge—BSA adult leader training for several years. Participating in the training of missionaries in the Philippines MTC is a little like repeatedly conducting a wood badge course! It’s quite like experiencing Ground Hog Day again and again! You may have heard it said that being a mission president is like running a troop of boy scouts. It’s not the same but there are similarities:
1. Training
The Missionary Training Model: Explain, Demonstrate, Practice, Evaluate, Re-practice (EDPE)
The BSA Leadership Training Model: The Leading EDGE – Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable
2. Adult Leadership
The Mission: The mission president, counselors, area presidency, church headquarters
Scouting: The scoutmaster, assistant scoutmasters, committee members, district, counsel and national headquarters
3. Young Men Leadership
The Mission: Assistants, zone leaders, district Leaders, trainers, companionships
Scouting: Senor patrol leader, assistant spls, patrol leaders, “buddies”
4. Curriculum
The Mission: The Scriptures, MP Handbook, Missionary Handbook, Preach My Gospel, etc.
Scouting: SM Handbook, BS Handbook, Field Book, Guides, many others
5. Principles, Attributes and Skills
The Mission: Examples: Articles of Faith 13; D&C 4; many others
Scouting: The Scout Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan, and others
6. Symbols, Signals, Ceremonies and Celebrations: Scouting provides a good preparation for learning sacred laws and ordinances.
Participation in Boy Scouting is an ideal preparation for the mission field. Scouting is founded upon correct leadership principles. I have received many spiritual experiences through the scouting program.
President GT
George T. Taylor, President
Philippines Missionary Training Center